CZECH LINKS WITH JAPAN AND KOREA: Charles University of Prague is to expand cooperation with Japan and South Korea after a trip to the Asian countries organised by the Czech government in June. Chancellor Petra Štanclová said the university will strengthen partnerships in the science and higher education sectors.
NEW RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE: Czechia and Slovakia have joined a group of five western European countries to sign the founding charter of the European Solar Telescope (EST). The seven countries want to launch a European
Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) that would give the science cooperation project some political oomph.
“The first phase of the EST project, which produced the preliminary design of the telescope, was funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme and was recently completed,” said Peter Gömöry, the director of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of sciences. “The establishment of the EST Foundation represents a crucial milestone in the further progress of the project towards the construction itself," he said.
BILATERAL PROJECT: Poland and Austria have announced the results of the latest joint call organised by the National Science Centre (NCN) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The bilateral cooperation with Austria is part of the OPUS LAP programme aimed at setting bilateral research funding calls with research funders in Czechia, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium. The bilateral calls are designed along common guidelines aimed at facilitating the funding application
process for international research teams and streamline proposal review.
NEW LEADERSHIP: The Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) – soon to be called the Hungarian Research Network – has announced a slimmed down governing body. The research organisation will now transition its governing board from 13 to 9 members who will take on mandates of 6 years, with the aim to boost the international visibility of Hungarian science. The list of the new board members is available here.
CALL FOR EVALUATORS: NCP_WIDERA.NET, the EU-funded project aimed at boosting the capacity of national contact points in low performing member states and associated countries is looking for evaluators who can help with pre-screening of Horizon Europe proposals. Candidates are required to have knowledge of the inner workings of Horizon Europe application procedures for Pillar II, EIC Pathfinder, Widening and the European Research Area. More details here.
SOCIAL SCIENTSTS WANTED: Scholars can now apply for Visegrad Fellowships at the Open Society Archives in Budapest with research proposals focused studying the lessons of the Cold War. Apply here.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: The DANUBE4all project is seeking five EU regions to associate in a cross-border project aimed at restoring freshwater ecosystems in the Danube basin. The deadline is 31 August. More details here.